Tag: Ames

Which Hardness Test is Most Widely Used?

The Rockwell hardness test is one of the most widely used hardness tests in the United States. This is because it is relatively simple to perform, provides a quick and accurate measurement of hardness, and can be used to measure the hardness of a wide variety of materials, including metals, plastics, and ceramics. The Rockwell hardness test is also standardized by ASTM International, which provides guidelines for performing the test and interpreting the results.

The accuracy of portable hardness testers depends on several factors, such as the tester you are using, the material you are testing, the condition of the surface, and your skill and experience. In general, portable hardness testers provide accurate measurements, Ames Testers’ results are in the range of ±/-1 of the actual hardness value.

Some of the most commonly used portable hardness testers include the Leeb rebound hardness tester, the ultrasonic contact impedance (UCI) tester, and the portable Rockwell tester. These testers are designed to provide quick and non-destructive measurements of hardness, making them ideal for field use and on-site testing. Portable hardness testers can provide quick and repeatable hardness test results, making them suitable for many applications. Brinell and Vickers are also commonly used in the US, particularly in laboratory settings. However, the Rockwell test is generally considered more practical and versatile for industrial and field use due to its simplicity and ease of use.

Your choice of hardness testing method will vary depending on your specific industry or application. For example, you may prefer the Knoop hardness test for measuring the hardness of thin coatings or surface layers, while the Shore hardness test is commonly used if you are in the plastics and rubber industries. It’s important to note that portable hardness testers may not be as accurate as laboratory-based testers, such as the Brinell or Vickers hardness testers. These laboratory-based testers typically provide more precise measurements, but they are also more time-consuming and require more preparation and equipment.

The Brinell and Rockwell hardness tests are both widely used and accepted methods for measuring the hardness of materials. Each test has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of test method depends on the specific application and the type of material being tested.

The Brinell hardness test is generally considered better for measuring the hardness of materials that have a coarse or inhomogeneous microstructure, such as cast metals, because it uses a relatively large indentation and a lower test load, resulting in a larger and more representative sample area. The Brinell test also has a wider range of test loads available, allowing for the measurement of a broader range of hardness values.

On the other hand, the Rockwell hardness test is often preferred for materials with a fine or homogeneous microstructure, such as steel, because it uses a smaller indentation and a higher test load, resulting in a smaller and more precise sample area. The Rockwell test is also faster and easier to perform than the Brinell test, making it more practical for industrial and field use.

Ultimately, the choice between the Brinell and Rockwell tests depends on the specific application and the type of material being tested. In many cases, both tests may be used in conjunction with each other to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the material’s hardness and properties.

When to Choose an Ames Superficial Hardness Tester

There are two types of Rockwell testing:

Standard Rockwell: the minor load is 10 kilograms of force (kgf) and the major load is 60, 100 or 150 kg.

Superficial Rockwell: the minor load is 3 kg and the major load is 15, 30, or 45 kg.

In conducting both tests, you nay use either a diamond cone or steel ball indenter, depending on the characteristics of the material you are testing. Today you will learn more about why you would need superficial Rockwell hardness testing.

The Superficial Rockwell Scales:

Are you wondering when to purchase a superficial hardness tester rather than the standard one?  Rockwell superficial scales are used to test materials too thin or small for the regular scales or outside the regular ranges. Generally, Diamond Indenters are used for hard materials while Ball Indenters are used for soft materials. The HR 15 N scale is useful for testing hard thermal spray coatings like ceramics and carbides, while at the other extreme the HR 15 Y scale is used to test very soft abradable coatings Superficial hardness testers can be used for testing shallow areas that you would normally use a standard hardness tester for.  

Use a superficial tester when you are testing super thin material that would be damaged by a standard tester’s penetrator, for example, case-hardened steel and shim stock.  Battery cases are another example, plastics can also be tested with a superficial hardness tester.   The video below gives you a comparison of thin materials and Ames superficial testers you can choose from to conduct a superficial hardness test.

Use Superficial Hardness Testers to Test Thin Materials:

Our special superficial tester is the model 1-ST, this tester allows you to test the hardness of tubes.  Tube testing is possible with either standard or superficial hardness testers but the model 1-ST allows you to test very small diameter tubes that are too large to test with the other testers.

Superficial Portable Rockwell Testers

Ames Model 1-S Superficial Portable

Metal Portable Rockwell Hardness Testers For Sale Includes: High impact case Diamond Penetrator – Serialized and Traceable - Part Number

Superficial Portable Rockwell Testers

Ames Portable superficial Hardness Tester

Portable Metal Rockwell Hardness Tester For Sale Includes: High impact case Diamond Penetrator – Serialized and Traceable - Part Number

Superficial Portable Rockwell Testers

Ames Superficial Portable Hardness Tester

Rockwell Hardness Testers For Sale Includes: High impact case Diamond Penetrator – Serialized and Traceable - Part Number T-1131 1/16

Superficial Portable Rockwell Testers

Ames Portable Superficial Hardness Tester

Includes: High impact case Ball Penetrator – Serialized and Traceable 1/16 Ball Penetrator – Serialized and Traceable - 1/16" Ball

Superficial Portable Rockwell Testers

Ames Model 4-2S Portable Hardness

Ames Portable Metal Hardness Testers Includes: High impact case Diamond Penetrator - Serialized and Traceable - Part Number T-1131 1/16"

Why Quality departments purchase Ames Testers

Quality departments like yours depend on the precision of Ames portable testers. Ames testers are manufactured to follow the ASTM E-110 guidelines. These testers are lightweight and easy to use anywhere. You can count on the accuracy of readings within +/- 1 Rockwell point. Your penetrators, anvils, and test blocks are serialized and traceable to the NIST Standards. You can test inner diameter as well as outer diameter surfaces. This is made possible with our interchangeable penetrators and anvils. Ames testers provide you with the accuracy and repeatability you need. Depend on this instrument to provide you with quick results in every application.

New Tester Kits Contain Everything you Need

When you purchase a new tester, the Ames kit has all the accessories you need to use your tester. You will receive, one diamond and one 1/16” ball Penetrator, extensions, and one each flat and V anvils. Three test blocks are included so you can conduct regular accuracy checks with your tester. This kit is contained in a high-impact carrying case. You also receive the operator’s manual, and certificates of traceability.

Rockwell Scales provide Easy to Read Results

With the standard tester kit, you will be able to test the following Rockwell scales: A, B, C, D, F, G. With 1/8”, ¼”, and the ½” ball penetrators. You can use the same tester to test in the Rockwell scales; E, H, K, L, M, P, R, S, and V. All test results are read directly from the tester with no charts or conversion tables needed. You may also want to consider purchasing a bench stand with your Ames tester, this enables you to use both hands while testing material hardness.

Superficial Testers Allow you to Test Very Thin Materials

Ames superficial testers follow the same ASTM E-110 guidelines as our standard testers. With the lighter minor loads, the tester is able to read shallow case hardened parts, hard thin materials, cemented carbides, and plastics. This tester reads in Rockwell scales N, T, W, X, and Y. Take readings on materials as thin as .006″ with the superficial tester without damaging the material. Superficial testers leave a much smaller indent than the standard testers.

Why Hardness Matters When Choosing Drill Bits

Knifemakers and Saw manufacturers are among the long-term customers of Ames Portable Hardness Testers. This makes sense because the hardness of your cutting instrument is an essential part of marketing your product. Drill bits are no different. The hardness of your drill bit tells a lot about the length of time you can count on the cutting power of your drill. One local manufacturer of drill bits compares the hardness of cobalt and carbide drill bits. This comparison references Rockwell hardness, showing that the hardness test provided the necessary information for customers like you considering purchasing drill bits.

Carbide Drill bit, disintegrated carbide drill bit

What is the Hardness of your drill Bit?

According to the Tech talk carbide drill bits are of 75 HRC while cobalt drill bits are only 65 HRC. This makes the difference when using the drill bit because they last longer, are more heat resistant, and can improve your cycle times. On the flip side, carbide drill bits are more expensive, are harder to resharpen, and may need to be replaced when it is blunt.

Removing broken drill bits is no fun. Electro Arc metal disintegrator owners have experience with removing both cobalt and carbide drill bits. You may have experienced delays in manufacturing and machine downtime, due to a broken drill bit stuck in an essential part. Knowing your drill hardness can help you avoid this situation.

What is the Role of Hardness in Removing broken Drill Bits?

You can use Ames portable hardness testers to test hardness in just minutes. These testers are convenient because they can be used in tight spaces, like on the production floor to ensure your parts are the correct hardness. You can also plan to remove broken drill bits when you need to by having the correct machine on hand to do so. Cobalt and carbide drill bits, knives, and saw blades all have different hardnesses, so they will be different to remove. Our AC machines can remove your high-speed steel but you will need a DC machine to remove broken carbide drill bits.

As you know, there are lots of ways to check material for hardness, the most recognized is Rockwell. A wide assortment of portable testers are available on the market. Most of them can be converted to some sort of varying Rockwell reading. Electro Arc Ames portable hardness tester has been recognized across industries as a reliable, easy-to-use, accurate tester.

Some portable testers require manpower to hold the tester perfectly aligned and with enough force to get a consistent reading. Most of these testers use a spring-loaded penetrator shaft. This is fine but, if conditions are not correct, (misalignment, clamping pressure, surface finish, or material density), the test will be inaccurate and repeatability will be nonexistent. Ames Portable Hardness Testers, require no electricity and have a zero carbon footprint. The sling shot configuration securely traps the specimen between the penetrator and anvil allowing positive contact for the minor and major loads to be applied.

Accurately Reading a Rockwell Portable Hardness Tester

When you get a new Ames tester, it is important to practice with it as you would with any other measuring instrument. Ames accuracy testing helps you ensure that your hardness tester is reading accurately. Using your test blocks to verify the correct readouts on your Ames tester ensures the tester is working as it should. Making sure you are reading your Ames tester accurately is also important. Frequently used scales on Standard hardness testers are A, B, C, and E in the Rockwell scale. Superficial scales that are frequently used include 15-N, 30-N, 45-N, 15-T, 30-T, and 45-T. Familiarize yourself with charts for these scales and practice testing in the scale you will be using most frequently.

Frequently Used Rockwell Scales

There are two basic types of penetrators that you will be using to conduct your hardness tests. The ball penetrator comes in 4 sizes, be sure to check your chart for the appropriate penetrator. For example, if you are testing a soft material, you will likely be testing in the “B” scale and will use a 1/16″ ball penetrator. Never use the ball penetrator with your steel test block or when testing hard steel, this will damage your penetrator and give invalid results. For testing harder materials, you will use a diamond penetrator. Diamond penetrators are available for either a standard or superficial tester, all one size. Using the diamond penetrator on a softer material can ruin your material. If you are testing a harder material you will likely test in Rockwell C with the diamond penetrator.

When you set up your tester, be sure to secure the penetrator and the appropriate anvil. Check the position of the indicator hand. The indicator should rest directly on the dot on the dial. When you apply the minor load, slowly turn the hand wheel until the indicator points to the line marked “set”. Next, you will rotate the top of the barrel dial toward you until the pin rests against the magnifier. If you are using a model 1-4, there is no pin and you will need to align visually. Your Ames manual contains these instructions.

When you apply the major load, turn the hand wheel until the pointer rests on the major load indicated by the chart. You need to be careful to bring the indicator exactly to the desired graduation on the dial. If penetration goes beyond the major load you will not receive a valid reading and will not be able to receive a valid reading on that penetration. You will need to choose a new test point and begin the test again.

When you turn the handwheel back and bring the pointer back to “set” you can take the reading through the magnifier. Each graduation indicates two points on the Rockwell scale. If you are using a standard tester with a ball penetrator, read the black numbers in column “B”. If you are using a diamond penetrator, read the black numbers in column “C”. You may notice the first two or three tests may be low until your penetrator and anvil are seated.

In addition to practice and accuracy testing, it is important that you have your hardness tester calibrated at our facility on an annual basis.

Why you Need a Superficial Hardness Tester

Why choose a Superficial Hardness tester?

Superficial testers are designed to test very soft and very thin materials and are designed to leave minimal surface distortion.  The three reasons to choose an Ames Superficial hardness tester are, you are testing a very thin or soft material, standard superficial testers will destroy these materials or the test will show the hardness of the penetrator.  This test will leave a less noticeable mark on the material you are testing.  The superficial tester uses 15, 30, and 45 kg weight to measure rather than 60, 100, or 160 kg as with a standard hardness tester. 

Use the Rockwell “N” scale to test Hardened steels, case hardened steels, and hardened strip steels down to about.006″ thick, and when you need to keep the mark left behind by the tester to a minimum.  Use the Rockwell “T” scale to test soft steels, copper, and aluminum alloys.  You can use an additional ball penetrator to test in Rockwell “W”  for some hard thin material down to .006″ thick and cemented carbides.  Rockwell “X”  and “Y” scales are used for testing plastics.  The model 1-ST is designed to test small-diameter and thin-walled tubes.  Using Rockwell “15-T” to test tube materials like aluminum, thin steel, lead, iron, titanium, copper alloys, and cemented carbides.

Industries such as aerodynamics, steel plants, stamping manufacturers, electronics, appliances, and air conditioning part manufacturers use these superficial testers because their components are super soft and thin.

Superficial and standard hardness testers operate in the exact same way.    The major difference is the material tested and the  Rockwell scale you are testing in. You can purchase an Ames superficial tester in most of the same sizes as standard testers, with the exception of the model 8 and 16 testers, there is a like tester in the 4 main sizes of superficial testers:

Model 1-S and model 1 Ames testers are the same size.  They have an opening  1 inch wide and a depth of 1 inch, so they are ideal for testing smaller parts.

The model 2 and 2-s are the same size and have an opening of 2 inches with a depth of 2.115 inches. 

The model 1-4S and model 1-4 are the same sizes featuring an opening of 1 inch and a depth of 4 inches, great for longer, thin materials.

The model 4-4S and model 4-4 testers are the same size 4 inches wide and deep to allow you to test larger materials

The only tester with no standard equivalent is the model 1-ST, a special tube hardness tester.

Is my Ames or DoAll Portable Hardness Tester Eligible for Repair or Calibration?

The Electro Arc company obtained the Ames Portable Hardness Tester line in 1975 and began manufacturing the standard and superficial hardness testers and accessories. For a short period of time, the company also made Fowler Hardness Testers and in the mid 1980’s through the early 1990’s also made DoAll portable hardness testers. Ames is now a Stillion Industries product line, continuing to make and service all Ames Portable Hardness Testers and DoAll hardness testers with a serial number of 12000 or newer. Some DoAll Hardness testers were issued with serial numbers starting with 17 by mistake and these testers may not be eligible for repair or calibration.

Ames precision is based on the flex of the Ames Frame during hardness tests. Over time, the portable testers are no longer serviceable, they must be replaced. If you are considering buying a used Ames, DoAll or Fowler portable hardness tester, it is strongly recommended that you check the model number to determine if your tester is new enough to receive calibration or repair service.

DoAll Portable Hardness Testers are identical to Ames portable Hardness testers with the exception of the dial indicator which bears the DoAll Precision logo.

When determining if your Ames or DoAll precision tester can be calibrated or repaired, look at the model number engraved into the frame of the tester. If your portable tester does not have an engraved model number, chances are, it is not a genuine Ames Portable Hardness Tester. You can always call us with your model number because we have records of every portable hardness tester made and sold by Ames.

All portable hardness testers made and sold by Electro Arc, and now Stillion Industries feature the model number in the same place. DoAll and Fowler hardness testers also followed the same pattern. If you are planning to send your tester in for calibration or maintenance please be sure to include your company information with the tester when you send it.